110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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When we left for Florida, I knew we were going to have an amazing experience because we'd be with our family & friends, but I could not have imagined all we actually did.

Starting with a week in the Bahamas, courtesy of our daughter, we relaxed, connected, laughed, enjoyed and made memories that will always be with us forever.

When we got back to our daughter's home in Florida, we went on to experience this incredible mix of doing things we never thought of, Morton flew a plane, I wrote and illustrated a book on TikTok lives that are now on our YouTube channel forever and there was the perfect mix of work and play.

It's something that I've learned over the decades of creating arts and crafts, we never really just relax. The excitement that inspiration can come from anywhere is a feeling of joy that I can't put into words. Maybe you can relate to this with a part of your life that some would consider work, but you find pure happiness in it.

As I write this entry, it's a rainy Saturday morning in Locust Gap, I'm looking out at the beautiful stones in the cemetery from our glass studio, reminders of just how fast this life is. Leaves slowly changing color, seasons changing. I feel my 60th fall will be the best one yet.

Now off to work I go, to seek simple pleasures in creating things that weren't here before.

Hugs and happiness,

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