110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Thankful for you!

Nine years ago when we bought this old crumbling church, we could have never imagined all the adventures, love and friendships we would have along the way.

Our neighbors and locals who have came in to visit us, take a workshop or shop in the studio have been such a blessing.

Then, considering social media lets us invite the whole world over, it's beyond belief just how far the love for this old place travels around the world.

Not one day goes by that I don't wake up counting my blessings, happy to be here and so glad that you are part of this adventure with us.

Two days away from Thanksgiving here in Locust Gap, Pennsylvania and I want you to know that today, as every single day, we appreciate your friendship to us.

Wishing you the most peaceful, joyful and lovely day ever and sending you hugs and love across the miles or just over the mountain.

Love and thank you for,

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