110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Heading South

Good morning,

As I write this, I'm so excited about the next couple of weeks of adventures that are waiting for us. Today or tomorrow, we are driving to Florida to see our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren as well as my sister & nephew. It's going to be fun and our days are going to be well filled with hijinks. 

We decided to not take a portable shipping studio with us this trip. We did the autumn of 2022 and it had me taking over so much space in their, we decided to have a true vacation.

As a self-employed full-time artist and crafter, it's tough to take a vacation and not work. That's because what I do is so much fun, it doesn't feel like work. I will be creating things, of that I'm sure, but I won't be having my shipping side of the site going for perhaps the rest of the month of September. 

Since Morton has retired and we're getting the chance to be a bit more able to go places since our Jimmy, Ericka & BonBon live at The1870 full time now, we don't feel like we're imposing anymore getting them to housesit. They live here!

This is the first time in our lives that we're heading out without a date set that we're coming home. It's an odd feeling but fun too. Definitely exciting! I know we'll be back before workshops in October that are sold out. Other that that, it's up in the air.

I'll keep social media posted about where we are, what we're up to and hopefully put some new art in our Printify Shop that you can check out.

Thanks for being on this lovely adventure with us and I'm sure you're going to have fun!


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