110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Sweet September

At 59 I'm always thrilled when I wake up, happy to still be alive, and I especially love it when my day is filled with things I've never done before. After all, I've been doing things for over 21,500 days now. So today, this very morning, I am delighted to say I've sent my first studio email to our subscribers that is titled, Sweet September.

I was nervous with excitement, not wanting to sound like all the emails I've read and ignored from companies trying to sell me things. Let me be really clear here though, I'm a working artist and my studio runs from sales I make. But I still want to connect with you on a different level. If you can buy from us and see something you like, please do so. If you can't, I still love you & appreciate that you're here! 

I do have a wee favor to ask our subscribers, and if you aren't one yet, please jump on our free email subscription list!

Subscribers that get our email, please let me know if I ever come across as spammy, anything less than my authentic self or forget to stay humble, happy, grateful and sincerely pleased that you're here. With this modern world that seems to whip past us, I want my words, personal pictures, stories from my childhood and specials for our subscribers only to just float into your email like a letter in the mail from a friend. If I fail that, please, please, please, tell me!

Morton just showed me his email he got from me, but he hasn't read it yet. He's cooking fried potatoes for our grandson, which is melting my heart, because that was my dad's favorite breakfast. And if you got my email, you'll know why that's melting my heart with sweetness on this sunny September morning.

Drop me a little comment please, let me know how your September is going and let's make something wonderful together.


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