110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Things happen fast here. That's partly because I'm a big believer in doing something right now and partially because I'm impatient. I like to think both of those things help me pack the maximum amount of fun into my life.

Just a couple months ago, our son decided he would move in with us, taking over the 2,400 square foot studio space. Fast forward to lots of helpers helping, lots of packing and moving and the former studio area is well on its way to be a lovely 2-bedroom home with great views & the best neighbors ever, Morton and me. :)

The area that we decided to set up our fused glass, kilns, stained glass storage and woodcarving area in is called the Cemetery Studio, as all four of its windows face north to the mountain behind the church, that's the ancient home of the St. Joseph's Cemetery. But first flooring had to go down, things needed moved up two sets of stairs, then through 150 feet of church, then positioned in place. Writing it out, it seems like a simple process, but trust me, it's ongoing and very labor intensive. Thankfully we had helpers with us that made it much easier and faster than we hoped for. 

So yesterday, on a livestream on TikTok & YouTube, we did our first of many to come, live vitragraph kiln pulls. You might not have seen the livestream, but you can watch the replay anytime you want on our YouTube channel. I can assure you, it's colorful, creative and addictive. The best part is, that is just the first part in the glass fusing process that is going to really impress you and make you want to visit and pull glass. :)

Since our stage is still filled with boxes and we're doing a Watercolor Wednesday today at 5, I can't spend a lot of time on this post, but I'd love to see you comment if you've watched either the live or the uploaded live! Tell us what you think. Is it something you'd like to try?

Have a beautiful & creative day my friend, until the next time.

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