110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Florida with Family

The last time we went to Florida I took along half the studio so I could keep sending orders out, our son church sat and it was definitely a working vacation that we even got caught in a hurricane in. That was last September.

Here we are in February 2023 and so many things have changed. Our son lives with us now in our lovely old church with his girlfriend and their beautiful chow chow, BonBon. Since things are still a bit hectic and he's getting settled in, I don't want to put shipping orders on them from the studio and Morton and I really need a proper vacation, so I'm letting all my things behind.  Please Note: We are on vacation until February 24, 2023 and orders will be processed on February 27, 2023.
When a person is self-employed, as I am, it's tough to do this. I'm counting on my incredible friends who support the studio with their purchases to understand.

I am taking my watercolors with me so we can do Watercolor Wednesdays on lives from tropical locations and we have some lovely surprises for you too on our social media channels and accounts. I hope you're following them and plan on coming along for our road trip and creative adventures in Florida!

Thanks for being here, hugs & happiness,
Priscilla & Morton

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