110 Church Street
Locust Gap PA 17840

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Florida February 2023

One this last day of January 2023 we woke up to snow. It wasn't a lot, maybe half an inch or so. Pretty to look at, cold to touch. Thankfully only a trip to the post office to send orders off to lovely customers and no shoveling or plowing was needed.

Since our son has moved in and is turning the studio into an incredible two-bedroom home, we don't have to worry about getting house-sitters (or church-sitters) anymore when we go away. We live in a wonderful little village where crime isn't an issue, but with heating that needs wood fed into our biomass stove twice a day to keep the hundreds of feet of pipes from freezing here, we need a sitter. Now this won't be an issue. It's perfect!

This February, tomorrow, is the start of a wonderful new month and will see us heading south to Florida and family for a few weeks. We aren't really sure about the dates, but we're going to be there for our 20th wedding anniversary on Valentine's Day and for Morton's 56th birthday on the 19th. Everything else is pretty much left to the flow of serendipity!

We're going to be exploring, taking video virtual field trips with our online community and soaking in the sunshine! 

Some of the items in the SHOP won't be available to ship, but we will have Mystery Packages & the big February boxes with us, so order away! I'll also be doing lots of painting outside and will be selling the art on our social media platforms. Keep an eye out!

Come on along for the ride and let's have some fun!

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